Monday, July 4, 2022




Protecting our Galactic Space from the Expanding Open Space of the Universe


The space of our universe is and has been expanding since the very beginning. However, the space within our galaxy, and all other galaxies in our universe is not expanding, it is stable. Something has to be enveloping and protecting galaxies from the ongoing expansion of the surrounding space of the universe. Dark Matter represents the galactic/universe property necessary to protect stable galactic space from the expanding universe space.


Our universe is expanding. This expansion has been occurring since the very beginning of our universe at the moment of the “big bang.” It continues through today and for all intents and purposes will continue without end. In other words, the space within our universe is growing and will continue to grow without end.

Although the space of the universe is growing, the space of our galaxy, as well as every other galaxy in the universe is stable. If it were not stable there would not be any galaxies in the universe. This presents a huge question regarding the evolution of our universe; how was stable space within our universe able to be carved out of the expanding space of our universe?

Under current theory, space was space at the beginning. It was all the same and all of it was expanding. Around one-billion years after the big bang the first galaxies started to form. In other words, the expansion of all space in our universe was the norm for our universe for about the first billion years. For the first billion years the space of the universe was a generally smooth, consistent and all expanding space of the universe. This shows that the early formation and evolution of our universe did not, and could not, contain stable pockets of space capable of harboring galaxies. 

At about one-billion years old some process occurred in our universe that allowed for dark matter and the normal matter of all galaxies to start to combine in such a fashion that the space dark matter surrounded was stable. This stability allowed for the matter inside the dark matter envelope to start combining and forming stars and other galactic features. 

 NOTE: The above statement “ some process occurred” is vague and ambiguous because there are multiple possible options that have to be considered, discussed and evaluated for consistency with galaxies and the universe properties. I will cover some of these options in another paper.

The expansion of the open universe space and the stable galactic space are set conclusions of our universe. Since the big bang establishes space as being a single expanding space in the beginning there has to be something that is separating stable galactic space from the expanding universe space, Dark Matter. 

What is known about Dark Matter? Virtually nothing. The existence of dark matter is shown through its gravitational interaction with stars in other galaxies and through gravitation lensing. Because of these two things it is believed that there is a halo of dark matter around galaxies. It is also believed that dark matter also exists throughout the universe. Additionally, the current theory is that without dark matter galaxies would not have formed. However, these things are not “proof” that dark matter exists and there are some who believe that dark matter does not exist and gravity needs to be redefined.

This hypothesis adds to the evidence of the existence of dark matter.

When considering the existence of dark matter what it doesn’t do also has to be considered. Current conclusions are that dark matter does not interact with light or any other electromagnetic energy. Other than gravitationally, dark matter also does not interact with normal matter as we know it.

Given that so little is known about dark matter, and it’s minimal interaction with anything within the universe, it is easy to see how the existence of dark matter can be questioned. However, the astronomical data is compelling that dark matter does exist throughout the universe and as a halo around galaxies. 

 So, putting the information/evidence together gives the following hypothesis;

The space within the universe is expanding. The space within galaxies is not. In order for there to be stable space within an expanding universe space there must be some barrier around the stable space that holds it together and keeps it from expanding. The one thing discovered so far that surrounds galaxies and is an integral part of galaxy formation is dark matter. The conclusion is that the dark matter surrounding galaxies must be responsible for creating the stable space necessary for the formation of galaxies in our universe.

The hypothetical conclusion, besides being necessary for galactic formation, the galactic dark matter halo is also necessary to prevent the space within galaxies from expanding like the universe space on the other side of a galaxy’s dark matter halo.

This hypothesis reveals at least two more characteristics of dark matter:

  1.  It moves with the universe,
  2.  As it expands with the space of the universe, it moves as a whole mass.

It needs to be noted that this hypothesis does not identify what dark matter is. Rather, it identifies something that dark matter accomplishes with respect to the galactic formation and existence within our universe. Additionally, there is no evidence or standing hypothesis that dark matter must necessarily be some type of matter particle. Dark matter currently can be anything, including something that we don’t yet know about or understand but is discovered as work progresses on this hypothesis. Additional reporting on dark matter will also follow.


The title of this paper, Dark Matter, A Galactic Dyson Sphere is a tribute to Professor Freeman Dyson, (December 15, 1923 — February 28, 2020), Professor Emeritus, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ. Professor Dyson proved that advanced degrees were not necessary in order to critically think about, and understand, physics and mathematics. 

Written By

Steven Guderian, 4 July 2022

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