Sunday, November 13, 2022


Is It Possible to Even Answer This Question? Is An Answer Necessary?


Although there is still some discussion as to the existence of dark matter, based on the available evidence and observations, the astrophysics community along with the physics community in general have basically accepted dark matter as being a real substance in our universe. Additionally, previous papers I have written provide strong support for dark matter galactic halos. The other papers I have authored provide evidence, information and the basis for the discussion in this paper.

Based on the astrophysics observations of galaxies, the dark matter halo surrounding galaxies is responsible for establishing the rotational characteristics and stability seen in galaxies. That is, the dark matter halo gravitationally interacts with the normal matter of the galaxy surrounded by the dark matter halo. The gravitational interaction between the galactic normal matter and surrounding halo of dark matter represents a direct physical connection between galactic normal matter and the galactic dark matter halo. The direct connection between dark matter and normal matter in galaxies considered with the rotation of the normal matter leads to the question, does the galactic dark matter halo also rotate?


Currently there are no viable hypothesis or theories as to what is causing the galaxies of the universe to move away from each other. Or, how galaxies interact with the expanding space of the universe. In other words, the current scientific position is that the universe is expanding and galaxies are moving away from each other as a result of the universe expansion. No direct cause for this movement has been scientifically established.

Therefore, before it is possible to discuss any possible rotation of the dark matter halo, the connection between the dark matter halo and the expanding space of the universe needs to be evaluated. The initial hypothesis that was put forth and that ultimately led to this paper, is the first necessary building block for this discussion and states as follows:

The space of our universe is and has been expanding since the very beginning. However, the space within our galaxy, and most other galaxies in our universe is not expanding, it is stable. Something has to be enveloping and protecting galactic space from the ongoing expansion of the surrounding space of the universe. The Dark Matter Halo represents the galactic/universe property necessary to separate and protect stable galactic space from the expanding universe space.

The paper discussing this hypothesis: Dark Matter: A Galactic Dyson Sphere,

Building further on the relationship between dark matter halos and the space of the universe, it is currently accepted that the universe is expanding. And, current observations of galaxies throughout the universe shows that they too are also moving. In general this motion is for galaxies to be moving away from each other. This galactic motion is consistent the expanding space of the universe. However, the space within galaxies, and therefore within the dark matter halos is not expanding. This leads to the only possible conclusion that dark matter halos and their embedded galaxies as a whole, are moving as a single entity with the expanding space of the universe.

One additional straightforward observation supporting a direct relationship between dark matter halos and space of the universe, there is no other mechanism that can adequately account for the general motion of the majority of the galaxies away from each other. That is, the current observed motion of the galaxies within our universe is most consistent with there being a direct connection or interaction between galactic dark matter halos and the expanding space of our universe.

At this point it is necessary to formalize a hypothesis.


A galactic dark matter halo and the embedded stable space galaxy act together as a single entity in the universe expanding space. Since the dark matter halo encapsulates the normal matter galaxy and its stable space, the dark matter halo is what directly interacts with the expanding space of the universe.

Using this hypothese and moving forward, the paper, Dark Matter and What it Does With Our Universe, provides a discussion regarding three possible options as to how a galactic dark matter halo interacts with the expanding space of the universe.

These options are;

  1. Dark Matter is actually embedded in the universe space,
  2. Dark Matter is “sticking” to the space of the universe,
  3. Dark Matter is floating in/on the space of the universe.

Until now the lack of any current hypothesis or theory regarding galactic motion and universe expansion represented a significant issue when looking at any motion of a dark matter galactic halo, such as rotation. That is, there is no current information or research as to how dark matter, in particular dark matter halos, interacted with the expanding universe space. Without any consideration as to how the dark matter halo interacts with the expanding universe space how is it possible to form any conclusions as to whether or not a dark matter halo is rotating like its embedded galaxy? The lack of any information or research reveals the importance of the above hypothesis.

Prior to writing this paper I read multiple papers on the motion of galactic dark matter halos. Some indicated that their paper was based on the galactic halo rotating around the embedded galaxy, others did not use any motion in looking at dark matter halos. The common point in all of the papers is that they all ignored any possible interaction between the dark matter halo and the expanding galactic space.

An additional point, regarding the papers that used rotating galactic halos, they provided no information as how this rotation started with respect to the expanding space of the universe. Or, how the rotating dark matter halo and its embedded galaxy interacted with the expanding space of the universe. Similarly, there was no information or explanation as to how the rotating dark matter halo maintained the stable space in the embedded galaxy. In other words, all of these papers treated dark matter halos and their embedded galaxies as completely independent individual objects. This is not how our universe operates.

The three options listed above represent potential interactions between dark matter halos and the universe’s expanding space in order to account for the movement of galaxies away from each other. That is, these three options correspond with a direct relationship between dark matter and the expanding space of the universe thus accounting for the currently observed motions of galaxies. Since all information and observations are consistent with a direct relationship between dark matter halos and the expanding universe space, this direct relationship must be considered in all evaluations involving dark matter. This includes all theories or hypothesis regarding rotating dark matter halos around their embedded galaxies. Specifically, how the dark matter halo interacts with the expanding space of the universe has to be considered.

Looking at the first option listed above, dark matter is embedded in the expanding universe space.

This is a straight forward evaluation. The expansion of the universe space appears to be uniform throughout the universe. This shows that the expanding space of the universe can be viewed as a single object. If the dark matter halo is embedded in the expanding space of the universe it will in essence be a part of the expanding space and will not be able to rotate.

Regarding the second option, dark matter is “sticking” to the space of the universe.

This is not the same as being embedded. In this case the dark matter halo is simply stuck to some point on the universe space and gets pulled or pushed along with the expansion of the universe. In this instance the dark matter halo would not be a part of the expanding universe space and it may be possible for the dark matter halo to rotate.

As for the third option, dark matter is floating in the space of the universe.

In this case the dark matter halo is simply floating along the top of the expanding universe space. It is not a part of the expanding universe space, rather it is simply moving with the expanding flow of the universe. Since it is not part of the expanding universe space, under these conditions the dark matter halo would be free to rotate.

It turns out that rotation of the dark matter halo is dependent on how a galactic dark matter halo interacts with the expanding universe space. Some types of interactions will allow for rotation while others will not. Given the limited total amount of information known about dark matter, it is not possible at this time to determine which of the three listed interactions occurs. In other words, it is currently not possible to conclude how dark matter moves with the expanding space of the galaxy. This means that any one, all three or any combination of the three possible interactions, covered above, between dark matter and the expanding universe space is possible. Furthermore, given the currently limited state of the information and research on dark matter it is not possible to determine if dark matter does or does not rotate.


An unexplored area of astrophysics was touched in the above evaluation, what is space? In this case the universe space was looked at as being something that could interact with the dark matter halo. In other words, the universe space has to be something real and tangible. Think of it this way for a moment and consider fish. Fish swim around in different types of water with no real or natural contact with the world outside of the water. For fish, their whole universe is the water they swim around in. From our vantage point we can see the water as a substance. But, the fish don’t have independent knowledge that the water is a substance. Maybe space is our water and we have to get to another vantage point in order to see what the universe space really is.

This next point, LaGrange Space, is not really thinking outside the box. Rather it is applying established physics to the dark matter and normal matter interaction. There is a dark matter halo surrounding a galaxy and this halo gravitationally interacts with the normal galactic matter inside of the halo. The gravity from the dark matter halo pulls on the normal galactic matter, while the gravity of the normal galactic matter pulls back on the dark matter. That is, gravity from these two types of matter pulls in the opposite direction from each other. This means that at some point in the overlapping gravity fields there will a place where the gravity of the dark matter is exactly opposite and the same magnitude as the gravity from the normal matter. Where this occurs the gravity from the galactic matter and the dark matter will cancel each other out resulting in a space with no gravity.

NOTE: There are 5 different point where the gravity of the sun and the gravity of the earth cancel each other out. They are known as LaGrange points. They were first deduced by Joseph-Louis Lagrange in 1772, and were actually discovered around Jupiter in 1906. In other words, this is old physics.

An additional characteristic that has to also be considered is the gravitational interaction between the dark matter halo and the surrounded normal galactic matter. This means that there are no LaGrange points around the galaxy, instead there must be a Lagrange space that completely encircles the normal mass of the galaxy. This LaGrange space would lie between the dark matter halo and the normal mass of the galaxy.

What makes this LaGrange space interesting is another old principle of physics, Einstein’s Equivalence Principle. This is the one that says that gravity and acceleration are basically the same thing. Basically what this means with respect to LaGrange Space is that in a zero gravity space the flow rate of time should be infinitely long while distance measurements should also be infinitely long.

Think of it this way, it is well known that traveling at the speed of light, and in the vicinity of a black hole and its high gravitational field, time slows down and distances compress. Well, if high gravity does this to time and distance, than no gravity has to do the opposite. If it doesn’t then there is a symmetry violation and this is a major problem.

One more out of the box question comes to mind, if we are in a LaGrange Space, lets think of it as a “Null Space,” does the infinite time and distance measurement also mean travel at an infinite speed? A fair and legitimate question that stems from applying basic physics principles to a real situation in our universe.


So, does the galactic dark matter halo rotate like the galaxy it surrounds? With the information that we currently have available it is not possible to answer this question. The evaluation done in this paper shows that dark matter halo rotation may, or may not occur. It all depends on how the dark matter halo interacts with the expanding universe space and this is the information that is currently lacking.

There is an additional conclusion inherent to this paper, this is the first paper to evaluate the available information in order to estimate if there is a relationship between dark matter halos and the expanding space of the universe. Specifically, the above discussion shows that the current facts show that there has to be some type of direct relationship between galactic dark matter halos and the expanding space of our universe. This relationship was memorialized in the hypothesis in the discussion and repeated here;

A galactic dark matter halo and the embedded stable space galaxy act together as a single entity in the universe expanding space. Since the dark matter halo encapsulates the normal mass galaxy and its stable space, the dark matter halo is what directly interacts with the expanding space of the universe.

Even though the question about the rotation of the dark matter halo was not specifically answered in this paper, enough information was covered so that when more dark matter halo and expanding universe space information does comes forward it may be possible to answer the question. In the mean time the investigation into what dark matter does within our expanding space universe, and what it creates must continue.


Saturday, November 12, 2022


It is called Dark Matter because so far nobody has given it an identity.


The presence of Dark Matter has been established through multiple astronomical observations. Specifically, something helped put galaxies together and is currently holding them together. The something that is holding all of the universe’s galaxies together also bends light that is coming from behind the galaxies. When all of the observed information is put together and evaluated, the most likely conclusion is that there is some type of matter around galaxies that gravitationally interacts with the galaxies while at the same time interacting with the expanding space of the universe.

The problem is that whatever this matter, or mass, may be it cannot be seen. That is, other than gravitationally this mass/matter does not interact with anything else in the universe or anything else that is known about within the universe. Hence the name, Dark Matter.

So we know that this Dark Matter is here in our universe, but we know nothing else about it. This is a bad position to be in because it severely restricts how we can move forward with understanding the basic workings of our universe. But all is not lost. We can evaluate what we do know, or think we might know, as well as the lack of results from current dark matter experiments to see what conclusions, or hypothesis, we can make about Dark Matter. This is the purpose of this paper.


This paper is the 4th paper in the series looking at dark matter. The first,

Dark Matter: a Galactic Dyson Sphere

Is a discussion about what dark matter is doing with galaxies in the universe.

The second paper, Dark Matter, It Has Been Here Since the Beginning

Is a discussion about how all current evidence indicates that dark matter has been around since the time of the big bang.

Dark Matter: What Is It’s Purpose,

Is a discussion about what dark matter does with galaxies in the universe and how it interacts with the universe.

These three prior papers are are building blocks to this paper in trying to use what has been concluded so far, along with other clues as to what dark matter may, or may not be.

Even Nothing Tells Us Something

Although the first indications of dark matter were discovered in 1933, it wasn’t until the around the mid-eighties that dark matter was “accepted” by the science community. One of the first experiments to try in gather information about dark matter was in 1986. So for about the last 36 years large and complex detectors have been built and experiments undertaken in order to find a possible dark matter candidate particle.

It is important to note that despite the fact that there is nothing known about what dark matter actually is, the experiments and detectors are looking for a dark matter particle. This is known because there are hundreds of written research papers and other forms of science communications that have theories about what kind of particle dark matter has to be. Additionally, the Standard Model of Particles is one of today’s most celebrated discoveries so it would appear that particles is form that the scientific community has decided upon as to what dark matter must be.

So far no experiment or detector has been able to find a dark matter particle. Maybe dark matter has some form other than a particle. This means that a dark matter particle, as we think of particles, simply doesn’t exist. Additionally, at the particle level gravity is virtually too weak to detect. In essence when all possible things and information are considered this lack of a particle discovery is telling us that the odds are we are not going to detect any dark matter particles, if they even exist.


In the first of the previous papers listed above it was shown that the dark matter halo around galaxies was acting as a barrier between the stable space of the galaxies and the expanding space of universe. The second paper listed showed that dark matter had to be around since the beginning stages of the universe, and that it must have assisted in the first clumping of normal matter. From the early relationship of dark matter with the first clumping of normal matter, and to later times in the universe with the collisions of galaxies we can conclude that dark matter must be transmissive to normal matter.

Currently astronomy has discovered multiple instances of past and present galactic collisions. Photographs of these collisions show the robbing and/or exchange of stars, dust and matter between the colliding galaxies. These galactic collisions can only occur if the dark matter allows the normal matter of the galaxies to pass through it.

The above conclusion regarding the transmissibility of normal matter through dark matter in the galactic collisions can be extrapolated back to the first clumping of matter. That is the dark matter in the early universe also had to let the first particles of normal matter pass through so that the normal matter could clump together to form the first stars and galaxies.

So through galactic collisions and the early clumping of matter we can conclude that dark matter has to have the property of transmissibility with respect to normal matter.

Looking at galactic collisions provides us with another property of dark matter, it can interact and combine with itself.

Recent observation in astronomy has shown us the existence of diffuse galaxies. These galaxies are dwarf galaxies in that they are small with a minimal amount of stars, and they do not have a dark matter halo. Although these galaxies have half the number of stars as our Milky Way galaxy they are about the same size as the Milky Way galaxy. In other words, the stars of these galaxies are completely spread out. The conclusion here is that the lack of the dark matter halo has exposed these stars to the expanding space of the universe so the stars of diffuse galaxies are being spread apart with the expanding space of the universe.

There is an additional conclusion associated with these dwarf, diffuse, dark matter free galaxies. The dwarf diffuse galaxies have no dust or other diffuse star forming matter within them. The theory is that diffuse galaxies are the remnants of a collision with a larger galaxy and that in this collision all of the star forming matter and galactic dust was stripped out of the diffuse galaxy and pulled into the larger galaxy. Similarly, the indications are the larger galaxy also stripped away the dark matter from the diffuse dwarf galaxy.

Since the diffuse galaxy lost its dark matter to the other, larger galaxy involved in the collision this shows that dark matter can also be stripped away and then combine with the dark matter in the larger galaxy. Just like normal matter can be stripped out of the diffuse galaxy.

There is another question associated with galactic collisions and the combining of dark matter. Galaxy collision have been occurring within our universe pretty much since the beginning of galaxy formation. In so many of these collisions the galaxies move apart and each maintains some amount of it’s dark matter halo. In other cases the galaxies combine and the dark matter halo transforms into a halo for the combined galaxies. This leads to so many follow up questions; how does the dark matter know what to do when galaxies collide?

Through current observations of galaxy collisions it is possible to show three cases as to what dark matter does:

  1. It separates itself into halos around both colliding galaxies
  2. It becomes a halo around one of the galaxies, leaving the other galaxy unprotected from the expanding space of the universe.
  3. It combines and forms a single halo around both of the colliding galaxies.

NOTE: The stripping, exchanging and combining of dark matter from one galaxy into the other in a collision provides another area for additional discussion, research and hypothesis regarding how dark matter works in our universe.


The above conclusions on what dark matter does in galactic collisions are looking at how dark matter is currently working within our universe after the formation of galaxies. But what about the early universe and the formation of galaxies?

It is known that in the early stages of the universe there had to be the formation of clumps of normal matter that would ultimately grow into stars and galaxies. One of the goals has to be to try and understand and/or try and determine how dark matter was working with the early normal matter in order to form normal matter clumps.

With respect to the early universe and the original clumping of matter, the space of the universe was much smaller than it today since the universe has been expanding since the very beginning. This means that it would not be possible for dark matter to start out at the size necessary to form a galactic halo. To the contrary, dark matter itself had to have formed as part of the big bang and formed at the same time as normal matter. One of the possible inferences here is that dark matter would start combining into small halo shapes that would grow as the universe expanded. These early halo shapes would be small enough and would start pulling normal matter in thus allowing it to start forming matter clumps.

As the dark matter halo continues to grow with the expanding universe, it pulls in more and more normal matter resulting in enough matter to form the first planets. The universe continues to grow, so do the dark matter halos thus allowing even more matter to accumulate and start clumping inside the protected space of the dark matter halo. Ultimately the halos reach galactic size with enough normal matter inside to start forming galaxies.

Thinking Outside Of The Box

The general question now is how is it the early dark matter halos grew? Maybe it was through clumping just like the early normal matter.

As was previously stated, the early universe was expanding. The expansion of the early space of the universe will move particles of all kinds further and further apart. This will have an adverse effect on the initial required clumping of any kind of matter. Clumping dark matter can provide a catalysts that limits the effect of the expanding universe space on normal matter. Additionally, it is known that dark matter makes up about 85% of the total matter in the universe while normal matter makes up the remaining 15%. Due to the gravitational interaction between dark matter and normal matter the high amount of dark matter would assist in the clumping of both normal and dark matter.

In order for dark matter to create stable space and protect normal matter from the expanding space so it may start clumping it has to form some type of halo enclosure around the normal matter. So, what it the most simplest way to create a halo, or a hollow sphere, for normal matter? Start out that way. What if dark matter actually starts our as some type of hollow sphere?

As the dark matter starts to clump the size of the hollow sphere within the dark matter also grows thus resulting in a larger halo with a larger open center. This would account for the ability to accept increasing amounts of matter. Current galactic collisions have shown us that dark matter does combine with itself. As for the hollow sphere, this is not that much of a stretch to consider as forming in the early part of the universe. Just look at normal matter.

With out going into details, it is known that normal matter is also a basically a hollow sphere of some sort. Protons and neutrons are both made up of three up and down quarks. However, the combined rest mass of these three quarks is only about 1% of the mass of the proton and neutron. The other 99% of the mass is unknown; however, there are various theories. This means that there is a very large mass difference between the mass of a proton or neutron and the quarks that make up these two particles. In other words, there is a “hole” and all of the protons and neutrons that make up of the matter in the universe.

If normal matter can have a “hole” in it why can’t dark matter?


As stated earlier in this paper a dark matter particle has not been found. The lack of any finding of a dark matter particle is strong evidence that one does not exist in the manner that physics current understands and identifies particles. Furthermore, if all of the facts are considered, it is not hard to understand that dark matter is in all likelihood not a particle as science currently understands particles. In order to start to understand what dark matter may be, acceptance of the fact that the universe is fascinating and wonderous essential. That is, look outside of the box a what dark matter could be, and all that it does.

It is known that the universe has been expanding since its beginning. It is also known that the distribution of matter/particles, was also smooth throughout the early universe. This means that as the universe expands the amount of matter in any given region becomes less dense. Additionally, at the particle level we know that gravity is barely measurable making it an incredibly weak attractive force. As the matter/particle density in the universe goes down with the expansion of the space of the universe it becomes harder for the matter/particles to clump to start forming stars and galaxies. This would include any particles of dark matter. This is where the higher density of dark matter and its halo shaped construction comes in. Its density gives it a high chance of clumping which allows it to create a non-expanding protected space. This in turn allows normal matter to join in with dark matter. And, as the dark matter halo grows, more matter is brought into the halo. This gives the halo enclosed matter an opportunity to clump and form the first stars and galaxies.

Currently it is not possible to say that dark matter comes in a halo or hollow sphere construction as it basic shape as was put forth as part of this paper. The fact of the matter is that virtually nothing is known about dark matter. So, this fact also means that it is not possible to say that a basic halo shape construction for dark matter does not exist.

Imagination is where new discoveries will be found. It is time to move beyond comfortability of the small amount of physics that is known in today’s universe.

Written By Steve Guderian 9–4–22




It is Time to Pay Attention to This Property of the Universe

In my last paper, Dark Matter; A Galactic Dyson Sphere I presented the hypothesis that that the dark matter halo around galaxies protects the stable space within an embedded galaxy from the expanding space of the universe outside of the galaxy. This paper is specifically looking at the beginnings of dark matter.


It is important to remember that virtually nothing is known about dark matter. The current theory is that dark matter only interacts with matter gravitationally. This has been determined by the fact that galaxies do not contain enough visible matter to account for the observed motion of stars within galaxies. Based on stellar motion it is estimated that dark matter forms a halo around galaxies and accounts for about 85% of the total mass of the universe. Another more common comparison of normal matter and dark matter, normal matter is estimated to be about 5% of the universe mass energy while dark matter is estimated at about 27% of the universe mass energy. The rest of the universe is dark energy, which is another topic altogether.

Accepting the information regarding gravitational interaction of dark matter with galaxies and the hypothesis regarding galactic stable space, the necessary conclusion is that dark matter is required for galactic formation in our universe. And this dark matter requirement can taken back to the big bang.


Cosmology has determined that in the early stages of the universe after the big bang two of the conditions present were expansion of the universe, and a smooth, relatively even density of matter within the universe. Information from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), a NASA Explorer mission that launched June 2001, determined the mass density of the early universe as equivalent to just under 6 protons per cubic meter.

Currently it is believed that the first massive stars began to form in our universe around 100–200 million years after the big bang. At around 1 billion years galaxies started to form. The formation of the first stars and later the galaxies required matter to somehow start to clump together. At some point the clump of matter would become large enough that gravity would take over and start to pull more matter into the clump causing gravity to become stronger and thus start pulling in more matter. This cycle would continue until the original small clump of matter became large enough, massive enough to form a star.

The question that comes to mind is what was the catalyst that started the first clump of matter and how did this clump continue to pull in more and more matter?

There are few things that need to be considered with the clumping matter hypothesis for the forming of massive bodies. Gravity is the weakest of the four known forces. The electric force is over 2.40 x 10^40 times larger than the gravitational force. Said another way, the electric force between charged particles is almost a trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion times stronger than gravity.

The matter that is clumping together to form massive bodies are primarily protons and neutrons, the nucleons of the atoms that are needed to form a massive body. Electrons are also flying around the area and at some point they need to be captured to complete the atoms necessary to start forming matter. Protons have a positive electric charge while neutrons have no electric charge. So, protons and neutrons are not going to be attracted to each other and two protons are going to repel from each other with a force far, far, far greater than the force of gravity. The positive charge of an proton can combine with the negative charge of an electron, but this in essence can just gives us a neutron.

SIDE NOTEAnother consideration through all of this would be how does the W and Z boson interaction come into play with the early matter formation. The one thing that is safe to say is that it would add another complication to clumping of matter.

An additional consideration for the complexity of matter clumping together, the space of the universe is expanding so all of the matter within the universe is moving further and further apart. The mass density discussed above of 6 protons per cubic meter is moving to 5 or 4 protons per cubic meter.

So, where it stands right now the current theory is that gravity, the weakest of the forces is able to overcome all of the problems discussed above in order to start forming clumps of matter/atoms that will grow into stars and galaxies. This is not an impossibility, but based on what has been discussed so far relying on just gravity and normal matter to account for the galaxies in our universe seem to have some significant difficulties to overcome. This is where dark matter comes to the rescue.

Recall that dark matter has a little more than 5 times the the amount of energy and/or gravitation pull of normal matter. So now rather than having 4 to 6 protons per cubic meter there will be an equivalent gravitational mass of 20 to 30 protons. This increase in gravity will help increase the ability of matter to start to clump. Furthermore, the hypothesis for dark matter is that it stabilizes the space it surrounds from expansion. This too will enhance the ability of matter to clump.

So as the normal mater within the dark matter halo grows the dark matter itself will also have to grow. Again, the dark matter has 5 times the gravitational mass as normal mass so as the dark matter halo grows the ability of this clump of normal matter and dark matter to attract more normal matter through gravity also grows. This growth can continue ultimately creating stars and galaxies.


The original hypothesis is; “Dark matter protects the stable space of galaxies embedded in the expanding space of the universe.” The discussion above is simply an extrapolation of this hypothesis back to the beginning of the universe. That is, dark matter also had to come about as a result of the big bang. The stabilization of space associated with dark matter embedded in the expanding space of the early universe provides a catalyst and/or a safe space for the clumping of matter. In other words, in the early universe dark matter also helped with the formation of the first atoms and allows them to clump together.

One last consideration regarding what is known about dark matter, it does not electrically interact with normal matter. This means there will be no issues or prohibitions of normal matter moving into dark matter stable space to clump with other matter.

An important note for consideration, the above hypothesis regarding dark matter in the early universe does not affect current cosmological time lines or interactions. Too the contrary, the above information assists in the clumping of normal matter for the formation of stars and galaxies. Additionally, nothing in this paper talks about what dark matter is, or its composition. Rather this paper talks about what dark matter does and/or can do.