Saturday, November 12, 2022



It is Time to Pay Attention to This Property of the Universe

In my last paper, Dark Matter; A Galactic Dyson Sphere I presented the hypothesis that that the dark matter halo around galaxies protects the stable space within an embedded galaxy from the expanding space of the universe outside of the galaxy. This paper is specifically looking at the beginnings of dark matter.


It is important to remember that virtually nothing is known about dark matter. The current theory is that dark matter only interacts with matter gravitationally. This has been determined by the fact that galaxies do not contain enough visible matter to account for the observed motion of stars within galaxies. Based on stellar motion it is estimated that dark matter forms a halo around galaxies and accounts for about 85% of the total mass of the universe. Another more common comparison of normal matter and dark matter, normal matter is estimated to be about 5% of the universe mass energy while dark matter is estimated at about 27% of the universe mass energy. The rest of the universe is dark energy, which is another topic altogether.

Accepting the information regarding gravitational interaction of dark matter with galaxies and the hypothesis regarding galactic stable space, the necessary conclusion is that dark matter is required for galactic formation in our universe. And this dark matter requirement can taken back to the big bang.


Cosmology has determined that in the early stages of the universe after the big bang two of the conditions present were expansion of the universe, and a smooth, relatively even density of matter within the universe. Information from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), a NASA Explorer mission that launched June 2001, determined the mass density of the early universe as equivalent to just under 6 protons per cubic meter.

Currently it is believed that the first massive stars began to form in our universe around 100–200 million years after the big bang. At around 1 billion years galaxies started to form. The formation of the first stars and later the galaxies required matter to somehow start to clump together. At some point the clump of matter would become large enough that gravity would take over and start to pull more matter into the clump causing gravity to become stronger and thus start pulling in more matter. This cycle would continue until the original small clump of matter became large enough, massive enough to form a star.

The question that comes to mind is what was the catalyst that started the first clump of matter and how did this clump continue to pull in more and more matter?

There are few things that need to be considered with the clumping matter hypothesis for the forming of massive bodies. Gravity is the weakest of the four known forces. The electric force is over 2.40 x 10^40 times larger than the gravitational force. Said another way, the electric force between charged particles is almost a trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion times stronger than gravity.

The matter that is clumping together to form massive bodies are primarily protons and neutrons, the nucleons of the atoms that are needed to form a massive body. Electrons are also flying around the area and at some point they need to be captured to complete the atoms necessary to start forming matter. Protons have a positive electric charge while neutrons have no electric charge. So, protons and neutrons are not going to be attracted to each other and two protons are going to repel from each other with a force far, far, far greater than the force of gravity. The positive charge of an proton can combine with the negative charge of an electron, but this in essence can just gives us a neutron.

SIDE NOTEAnother consideration through all of this would be how does the W and Z boson interaction come into play with the early matter formation. The one thing that is safe to say is that it would add another complication to clumping of matter.

An additional consideration for the complexity of matter clumping together, the space of the universe is expanding so all of the matter within the universe is moving further and further apart. The mass density discussed above of 6 protons per cubic meter is moving to 5 or 4 protons per cubic meter.

So, where it stands right now the current theory is that gravity, the weakest of the forces is able to overcome all of the problems discussed above in order to start forming clumps of matter/atoms that will grow into stars and galaxies. This is not an impossibility, but based on what has been discussed so far relying on just gravity and normal matter to account for the galaxies in our universe seem to have some significant difficulties to overcome. This is where dark matter comes to the rescue.

Recall that dark matter has a little more than 5 times the the amount of energy and/or gravitation pull of normal matter. So now rather than having 4 to 6 protons per cubic meter there will be an equivalent gravitational mass of 20 to 30 protons. This increase in gravity will help increase the ability of matter to start to clump. Furthermore, the hypothesis for dark matter is that it stabilizes the space it surrounds from expansion. This too will enhance the ability of matter to clump.

So as the normal mater within the dark matter halo grows the dark matter itself will also have to grow. Again, the dark matter has 5 times the gravitational mass as normal mass so as the dark matter halo grows the ability of this clump of normal matter and dark matter to attract more normal matter through gravity also grows. This growth can continue ultimately creating stars and galaxies.


The original hypothesis is; “Dark matter protects the stable space of galaxies embedded in the expanding space of the universe.” The discussion above is simply an extrapolation of this hypothesis back to the beginning of the universe. That is, dark matter also had to come about as a result of the big bang. The stabilization of space associated with dark matter embedded in the expanding space of the early universe provides a catalyst and/or a safe space for the clumping of matter. In other words, in the early universe dark matter also helped with the formation of the first atoms and allows them to clump together.

One last consideration regarding what is known about dark matter, it does not electrically interact with normal matter. This means there will be no issues or prohibitions of normal matter moving into dark matter stable space to clump with other matter.

An important note for consideration, the above hypothesis regarding dark matter in the early universe does not affect current cosmological time lines or interactions. Too the contrary, the above information assists in the clumping of normal matter for the formation of stars and galaxies. Additionally, nothing in this paper talks about what dark matter is, or its composition. Rather this paper talks about what dark matter does and/or can do.


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