Is It Possible to Even Answer This Question? Is An Answer Necessary?
Although there is still some discussion as to the existence of dark matter, based on the available evidence and observations, the astrophysics community along with the physics community in general have basically accepted dark matter as being a real substance in our universe. Additionally, previous papers I have written provide strong support for dark matter galactic halos. The other papers I have authored provide evidence, information and the basis for the discussion in this paper.
Based on the astrophysics observations of galaxies, the dark matter halo surrounding galaxies is responsible for establishing the rotational characteristics and stability seen in galaxies. That is, the dark matter halo gravitationally interacts with the normal matter of the galaxy surrounded by the dark matter halo. The gravitational interaction between the galactic normal matter and surrounding halo of dark matter represents a direct physical connection between galactic normal matter and the galactic dark matter halo. The direct connection between dark matter and normal matter in galaxies considered with the rotation of the normal matter leads to the question, does the galactic dark matter halo also rotate?
Currently there are no viable hypothesis or theories as to what is causing the galaxies of the universe to move away from each other. Or, how galaxies interact with the expanding space of the universe. In other words, the current scientific position is that the universe is expanding and galaxies are moving away from each other as a result of the universe expansion. No direct cause for this movement has been scientifically established.
Therefore, before it is possible to discuss any possible rotation of the dark matter halo, the connection between the dark matter halo and the expanding space of the universe needs to be evaluated. The initial hypothesis that was put forth and that ultimately led to this paper, is the first necessary building block for this discussion and states as follows:
The space of our universe is and has been expanding since the very beginning. However, the space within our galaxy, and most other galaxies in our universe is not expanding, it is stable. Something has to be enveloping and protecting galactic space from the ongoing expansion of the surrounding space of the universe. The Dark Matter Halo represents the galactic/universe property necessary to separate and protect stable galactic space from the expanding universe space.
The paper discussing this hypothesis: Dark Matter: A Galactic Dyson Sphere,
Building further on the relationship between dark matter halos and the space of the universe, it is currently accepted that the universe is expanding. And, current observations of galaxies throughout the universe shows that they too are also moving. In general this motion is for galaxies to be moving away from each other. This galactic motion is consistent the expanding space of the universe. However, the space within galaxies, and therefore within the dark matter halos is not expanding. This leads to the only possible conclusion that dark matter halos and their embedded galaxies as a whole, are moving as a single entity with the expanding space of the universe.
One additional straightforward observation supporting a direct relationship between dark matter halos and space of the universe, there is no other mechanism that can adequately account for the general motion of the majority of the galaxies away from each other. That is, the current observed motion of the galaxies within our universe is most consistent with there being a direct connection or interaction between galactic dark matter halos and the expanding space of our universe.
At this point it is necessary to formalize a hypothesis.
A galactic dark matter halo and the embedded stable space galaxy act together as a single entity in the universe expanding space. Since the dark matter halo encapsulates the normal matter galaxy and its stable space, the dark matter halo is what directly interacts with the expanding space of the universe.
Using this hypothese and moving forward, the paper, Dark Matter and What it Does With Our Universe, provides a discussion regarding three possible options as to how a galactic dark matter halo interacts with the expanding space of the universe.
These options are;
- Dark Matter is actually embedded in the universe space,
- Dark Matter is “sticking” to the space of the universe,
- Dark Matter is floating in/on the space of the universe.
Until now the lack of any current hypothesis or theory regarding galactic motion and universe expansion represented a significant issue when looking at any motion of a dark matter galactic halo, such as rotation. That is, there is no current information or research as to how dark matter, in particular dark matter halos, interacted with the expanding universe space. Without any consideration as to how the dark matter halo interacts with the expanding universe space how is it possible to form any conclusions as to whether or not a dark matter halo is rotating like its embedded galaxy? The lack of any information or research reveals the importance of the above hypothesis.
Prior to writing this paper I read multiple papers on the motion of galactic dark matter halos. Some indicated that their paper was based on the galactic halo rotating around the embedded galaxy, others did not use any motion in looking at dark matter halos. The common point in all of the papers is that they all ignored any possible interaction between the dark matter halo and the expanding galactic space.
An additional point, regarding the papers that used rotating galactic halos, they provided no information as how this rotation started with respect to the expanding space of the universe. Or, how the rotating dark matter halo and its embedded galaxy interacted with the expanding space of the universe. Similarly, there was no information or explanation as to how the rotating dark matter halo maintained the stable space in the embedded galaxy. In other words, all of these papers treated dark matter halos and their embedded galaxies as completely independent individual objects. This is not how our universe operates.
The three options listed above represent potential interactions between dark matter halos and the universe’s expanding space in order to account for the movement of galaxies away from each other. That is, these three options correspond with a direct relationship between dark matter and the expanding space of the universe thus accounting for the currently observed motions of galaxies. Since all information and observations are consistent with a direct relationship between dark matter halos and the expanding universe space, this direct relationship must be considered in all evaluations involving dark matter. This includes all theories or hypothesis regarding rotating dark matter halos around their embedded galaxies. Specifically, how the dark matter halo interacts with the expanding space of the universe has to be considered.
Looking at the first option listed above, dark matter is embedded in the expanding universe space.
This is a straight forward evaluation. The expansion of the universe space appears to be uniform throughout the universe. This shows that the expanding space of the universe can be viewed as a single object. If the dark matter halo is embedded in the expanding space of the universe it will in essence be a part of the expanding space and will not be able to rotate.
Regarding the second option, dark matter is “sticking” to the space of the universe.
This is not the same as being embedded. In this case the dark matter halo is simply stuck to some point on the universe space and gets pulled or pushed along with the expansion of the universe. In this instance the dark matter halo would not be a part of the expanding universe space and it may be possible for the dark matter halo to rotate.
As for the third option, dark matter is floating in the space of the universe.
In this case the dark matter halo is simply floating along the top of the expanding universe space. It is not a part of the expanding universe space, rather it is simply moving with the expanding flow of the universe. Since it is not part of the expanding universe space, under these conditions the dark matter halo would be free to rotate.
It turns out that rotation of the dark matter halo is dependent on how a galactic dark matter halo interacts with the expanding universe space. Some types of interactions will allow for rotation while others will not. Given the limited total amount of information known about dark matter, it is not possible at this time to determine which of the three listed interactions occurs. In other words, it is currently not possible to conclude how dark matter moves with the expanding space of the galaxy. This means that any one, all three or any combination of the three possible interactions, covered above, between dark matter and the expanding universe space is possible. Furthermore, given the currently limited state of the information and research on dark matter it is not possible to determine if dark matter does or does not rotate.
An unexplored area of astrophysics was touched in the above evaluation, what is space? In this case the universe space was looked at as being something that could interact with the dark matter halo. In other words, the universe space has to be something real and tangible. Think of it this way for a moment and consider fish. Fish swim around in different types of water with no real or natural contact with the world outside of the water. For fish, their whole universe is the water they swim around in. From our vantage point we can see the water as a substance. But, the fish don’t have independent knowledge that the water is a substance. Maybe space is our water and we have to get to another vantage point in order to see what the universe space really is.
This next point, LaGrange Space, is not really thinking outside the box. Rather it is applying established physics to the dark matter and normal matter interaction. There is a dark matter halo surrounding a galaxy and this halo gravitationally interacts with the normal galactic matter inside of the halo. The gravity from the dark matter halo pulls on the normal galactic matter, while the gravity of the normal galactic matter pulls back on the dark matter. That is, gravity from these two types of matter pulls in the opposite direction from each other. This means that at some point in the overlapping gravity fields there will a place where the gravity of the dark matter is exactly opposite and the same magnitude as the gravity from the normal matter. Where this occurs the gravity from the galactic matter and the dark matter will cancel each other out resulting in a space with no gravity.
NOTE: There are 5 different point where the gravity of the sun and the gravity of the earth cancel each other out. They are known as LaGrange points. They were first deduced by Joseph-Louis Lagrange in 1772, and were actually discovered around Jupiter in 1906. In other words, this is old physics.
An additional characteristic that has to also be considered is the gravitational interaction between the dark matter halo and the surrounded normal galactic matter. This means that there are no LaGrange points around the galaxy, instead there must be a Lagrange space that completely encircles the normal mass of the galaxy. This LaGrange space would lie between the dark matter halo and the normal mass of the galaxy.
What makes this LaGrange space interesting is another old principle of physics, Einstein’s Equivalence Principle. This is the one that says that gravity and acceleration are basically the same thing. Basically what this means with respect to LaGrange Space is that in a zero gravity space the flow rate of time should be infinitely long while distance measurements should also be infinitely long.
Think of it this way, it is well known that traveling at the speed of light, and in the vicinity of a black hole and its high gravitational field, time slows down and distances compress. Well, if high gravity does this to time and distance, than no gravity has to do the opposite. If it doesn’t then there is a symmetry violation and this is a major problem.
One more out of the box question comes to mind, if we are in a LaGrange Space, lets think of it as a “Null Space,” does the infinite time and distance measurement also mean travel at an infinite speed? A fair and legitimate question that stems from applying basic physics principles to a real situation in our universe.
So, does the galactic dark matter halo rotate like the galaxy it surrounds? With the information that we currently have available it is not possible to answer this question. The evaluation done in this paper shows that dark matter halo rotation may, or may not occur. It all depends on how the dark matter halo interacts with the expanding universe space and this is the information that is currently lacking.
There is an additional conclusion inherent to this paper, this is the first paper to evaluate the available information in order to estimate if there is a relationship between dark matter halos and the expanding space of the universe. Specifically, the above discussion shows that the current facts show that there has to be some type of direct relationship between galactic dark matter halos and the expanding space of our universe. This relationship was memorialized in the hypothesis in the discussion and repeated here;
A galactic dark matter halo and the embedded stable space galaxy act together as a single entity in the universe expanding space. Since the dark matter halo encapsulates the normal mass galaxy and its stable space, the dark matter halo is what directly interacts with the expanding space of the universe.
Even though the question about the rotation of the dark matter halo was not specifically answered in this paper, enough information was covered so that when more dark matter halo and expanding universe space information does comes forward it may be possible to answer the question. In the mean time the investigation into what dark matter does within our expanding space universe, and what it creates must continue.
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