Saturday, April 8, 2023




Basic Principles of Physics Tells us They Must Exist, So What do They Look Like?


Black holes, the ultimate enigma in our universe. Science knows so little about them and understands even less. What few facts are known can generally be consider as the subject of fear to many people. That is, the most commonly known piece of information is that black holes have immense gravity. Gravity so strong that not even light can escape from a black hole; hence the name black hole. And, because of this immense gravity black holes simply consume all planets, suns, solar systems and any other mass/matter in the universe that comes into the grasp of the black hole’s gravitational field. In other words, black holes are the bringer of destruction and doom should anything, including our solar system, venture to close to the black hole’s gravitational field.

No matter how black holes are viewed, they are a big part of our universe. Current scientific information is that they are in the center of every spiral galaxy in the universe. And, spiral galaxies are the most common galaxy in our universe. Additionally, black holes have recently been discovered travelling through open space, (see link below). All in all, there are a substantial number of black holes and they can be found in just about every corner of our universe.

However, this is a paper about “white holes.” So why the discussion about black holes? Because to date, no white holes have been identified. It is not that they are not out there, science has simply not taken the time to look at what a white hole maybe and how it would exist. This paper is about taking some of the basic physics we already know, pairing it with black holes so that we can identify white holes.


One of the most basic rules, laws or principles of physics is symmetry. In the physics world there are many different kinds of symmetry all of which are an essential part of our discovery and understanding of the workings of our universe. So, what is symmetry? The McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Physics has a 5 pages long definition of symmetry. Other physics reference guides are not any easier to read or understand. However, there is a simple common example of symmetry in peoples everyday lives; if there is a left, there is a right. If there is a forward, there is also a backward. If there is an up, there is a down. In general, symmetry means that if there is one thing, then there is also its opposite.

A more physics sense of symmetry can be found in one of the most commonly known theories, String Theory. A significant part to modern string theory is Super Symmetry, also referred to as SUSY. Associated with string theory are the particles of the standard model. These are the particles that make up all of the matter in our universe, and also account for almost all of the forces known in the universe. According to super symmetry, all of particles of the standard model have an opposite particle that has not yet been discovered. In other words, symmetry is playing a major part in what is commonly known as the biggest theory of the 20th century, string theory, yet none of the symmetric particles as been found even though they should have been discovered long ago.

Side Note: The failure to find the SUSY particles is not a problem with symmetry, it is a problem with string theory. This is another paper by itself.

The above example of super symmetry, with its theorized and yet to be discovered particles, and its direct relationship with string theory, shows the importance of symmetry and its use in physics and theory. Because of symmetry and the existence of black holes, the existence of white holes must be a reality. Furthermore, it is through symmetry that we can not only predict the existence of white holes, we can also predict what they look like.

But what would a white hole in our universe look like and what could it possibly be? The basic physical characteristic of a black hole is it’s possession of immense gravity and mass. So, what could be considered the opposite of immense gravity and mass? The simplest answer is something, or some place that has no gravity and no mass. Are there places in the universe where there are no gravity and mass?

Yes there are.

In reality there are many of them in different forms throughout the universe. Including some right here in our own solar system. They are known as Lagrange points, named after the Mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange who theorized these points in 1771. These points were confirmed to exist in 1906. This shows that the first possible form of a white hole, a LaGrange point, was theorized and eventually discovered long before black holes were theorized and then discovered.

Lagrange points are an astronomical feature that are most commonly known as being a part of the gravitational interaction of a sun and its orbiting planets of solar systems. For us here on earth the current and most logical focus for Lagrange Points are those that exist between the earth and the sun. It should be noted that there are also Lagrange points for the gravitational interaction between the moon and earth as well as all other planets and the sun as well as planets and their moons in our solar system.

The short explanation for LaGrange points; The sun’s gravity pulls on the earth, and all of the other planets, and this is what in essence keeps them in orbit. While the suns gravity is pulling on the earth, the earths gravity is pulling back on the sun in order to help with the stability of earth’s orbit around the sun. The situation is the sun has a gravitational field pulling in one direction while the earth has a gravitational field pulling in the opposite direction. And, these two gravitational fields overlap.

The overlap of the sun and the earths gravitational fields means there can be points where the pull of the earth’s gravity is the same size, or magnitude, as the pull of the sun’s gravity and it is in the opposite direction. In other words, the pull of gravity from the sun and the earth cancel out, and this spot in essence has no gravity. Throughout the universe there are locations, LaGrange points, where a sun and a planets gravity cancels. In fact, LaGrange points will exist anywhere there is an overlap of the opposite directional pull of overlapping gravitational fields.

Recapping, the basic physical characteristics of a black hole in our universe is that it has immense mass and gravity. Yes, black holes eat up all matter around them, but that it is not a physical characteristic of the black hole. Rather, that is a physical characteristic of the universe environment the black hole exists in. And, from the basic principle of symmetry it is known that the opposite of a black hole, a white hole in this case, must also exist. Furthermore a white hole must be a location where no mass and no gravity exist.

LaGrange points matches the required physical characteristics of what a white hole should look like based upon the physical characteristics of a black hole. However, LaGrange points are not the only areas of no gravity within our universe.

Current information is that not only do the majority of spiral galaxies have a black hole in their center, they also have a Dark Matter Halo. The dark matter halo gravitationally interacts with the mass/matter of the galaxy it surrounds in order to account for the motion of the mass/matter of the galaxy. In other words, the gravitational interaction between the dark matter halo and the mass/matter of a galaxy is similar to that of a sun and a planet, there is an overlap of gravitational fields with opposite directions of pull. The difference is that the dark matter halo has 3 spatial dimensions in order to account for the 3 spatial dimensions of a galaxy. This means that any “LaGrange Point” between the galactic dark matter halo and the galactic mass must also have 3 spatial dimensions. In other words, this must be a “LaGrange Space” instead of a LaGrange point.

For additional information refer to Dark Matter and LaGrangian Space;


One of the predictions of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity is gravitational waves. The current theory is that the acceleration of a massive object, like a black hole, neutron star or other special type of star moving through spacetime can cause gravitational waves. So, if massive objects, effect spacetime doesn’t symmetry dictate that a LaGrange point and LaGrange space white hole will also cause an effect moving through spacetime? Would this movement cause the opposite of a gravitational wave, like maybe a gravitational vacuum or something else? Maybe LaGrange points and LaGrange space can also cause gravitational waves. LaGrange Points and LaGrange space white holes provide another opportunity to dig deeper into understanding our universe.


The basic physical characteristics of a black hole in our universe is that it has immense gravity and mass. From the basic principle of symmetry it is known that the opposite of a black hole, a white hole in this case, must also exist. Furthermore, a white hole must be a location with there is no mass and where no, or very little gravity must exist. LaGrange points and Lagrange Space exist throughout the universe just like black holes and they matches the symmetry required physical characteristics for a white hole. Additionally, gravity itself is responsible for black holes and for LaGrange points and LaGrange space. Just like a black hole will be caused any time there is a high amount of mass creating a strong gravitational field that meet specific requirements. LaGrange points and LaGrange space white holes will be caused when certain requirements are met in overlapping, opposite direction gravitational fields.

Side note; yes, black holes eat up all matter around them. Because of this some hypotheses for white holes have suggested that they spit out mass/matter and space. However, the robust appetite of mass/matter for black holes is not a physical characteristics of the black hole. Rather, the consumption of mass/matter is a physical characteristic of the universe environment the black hole exists in. The immense gravity of a black hole gobbles up mass/matter because the universe makes mass/matter available to be gobbled up by the black hole’s gravity.

There is one last physical characteristics associated with LaGrange Points and Lagrange Space white holes that needs to be discussed, and that has to do with Einstein’s Equivalence Principle. The reduced to zero gravity that is associated with LaGrange points and LaGrange space white holes has to have the opposite characteristics of high gravity of black holes. The high gravity of black holes slows time and shortens distance. This is a direct application of Einstein’s Equivalence Principle. Therefore, LaGrange points and LaGrange space white holes must have extended distances and an increased rate of time.

Black holes are not well understood because once you get past what is known as the event horizon nothing, including light and information can escape. Maybe LaGrange points and LaGrange space white holes are not as elusive as black holes. In other words, maybe it is easier to study and learn about LaGrange points and LaGrange space white holes and then use symmetry to tell more about the inside workings of black holes.

Why Not?

 Steve Guderian, 4-8-2023

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