Tuesday, January 2, 2024



The first second after the Big Bang established our universe as we know it today.

According to the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology, the Plank Second is 5.391247 X10^-44 seconds long. Current physical understanding is that the Plank Second is the smallest unit of time with any meaning.

At 10^-43 seconds after the Big Bang, gravity broke away from the superforce to become an individual force. The implication is that the superforce had to be a part of the energy that started the big bang.

As an individual force, Newton's Law of Gravity describes gravity, and a part of this law is Newton's Gravitational Constant, which is a fundamental physical constant. The implication is that, like the superforce, the gravitational constant must also be part of the Big Bang energy.

At 10^-36 seconds, the strong force broke away from the superforce. Again, the implication is that the strong coupling constant, another fundamental physical constant, was part of the energy of the Big Bang.

At 10^-12 seconds, quarks formed.

According to the article Where Does the Higgs Boson Come From, 30 March 2023, Matthew Chalmers, Editor of the CERN Courier (,interact%20with%20this%20quantum%20molasses%2C)

The Higgs Field “came into existence during an epochal “electroweak” phase transition a fraction of a nanosecond after the Big Bang; whereas, previously, elementary particles such as the electron had moved at the speed of light, they were forever after forced to interact with this quantum molasses, which imbued them with the property of mass.

A nanosecond is 10^-9 second. And there are 15 elementary particles in the Standard Model that have mass. Interactions with the Higgs Field set the mass of these particles. Once again, all mixing parameters and associated fundamental physical constants must already exist. This interaction again implies they, too, were part of the Big Bang Energy.

At 10^-6 seconds, protons and neutrons formed. Since protons and neutrons combine three quarks, which obtained mass at 10^-9 seconds, all mixing parameters and associated fundamental physical constants for combining quarks must already exist, implying that they were part of the energy of the Big Bang.

Well before the first second after the Big Bang has passed, the stage is set for the formation of the universe as we know it today. Specifically, all of the elemental matter particles of the standard model have formed, the four principle forces of our universe are in place, and so are all of the necessary fundamental physical constants of the universe. Our universe is set up to build matter as we see it today. Conversely, our universe's current status is inconsistent with the formation of antimatter. The fundamental constants necessary for building matter equally spread positive and negative charges among the elemental matter particles of the standard model. Thus, charge symmetry is conserved, and the Law of Conservation of Charge is not violated. And the production of antimatter is suppressed. 

The formation of antimatter in today's universe is still suppressed as the fundamental constants primarily only allow for the formation of matter. There are no free or large patches of only antimatter. Symmetry is not violated because, in limited high-energy occasions, some antimatter does form, but it is immediately annihilated when it interacts with ordinary matter. In other words, symmetry does exist because you can always make antimatter at any time. It is just that the basic model of our universe suppresses the natural making of antimatter. 

Based on the information just covered, there are two 2024 hypotheses:

First Hypothesis: The fundamental constants were part of the universe before the Big Bang.

Second Hypothesis: The fundamental constants only allowed our early universe to be comprised of positive matter and energy.

Therefore, there was no antimatter asymmetry in the first second of our universe.

Further reading,

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