I know that at times with what I have written it may not
seem like I love physics. But I really do. Physics is the key to our vast and
wonderful universe. However, right not it seems to me like physics is not going
anywhere. The following is a paragraph from another piece I recently wrote for
my other blog;
Looking at technology advancements,
we are leaps and bounds ahead of where we were 5000+ years ago, that is
obvious. The same is true for physics. However, regarding today’s physics, our
scientists and physicist are so engaged and focused on so very little. Today’s
scientist does not see the problems with what they believe to be the final
answer to everything. That is, they do not even know or clearly understand the
science and physics that they have today. The classic example that clearly
shows we are not as smart as we think we are, quantum physics. Specifically,
they cannot even agree on how to interpret quantum physics. The mere fact that
today’s scientists currently believe that they are working on the final answers
shows their own arrogance and ignorance. This is especially true given there
are so many different places to look for more answers. But rather than ask
questions, or think outside of the box and use their own imagination today’s
scientist would rather try and disprove anything that questions the direction
of their current beliefs.
I very much believe this to be absolutely true and offer the
following information.
Quantum physics is all about fields and particles. The
standard model is the current theory regarding particles and quantum physics
was used to predict many of the 17 particles of the standard model. I am also
counting the Higgs Boson as it too was predicted. Quantum Field Theory, QFT, is
the current theory of fields. I am not going to go into details now but after
reading a couple books on QFT I believe that QFT is an absolute mess. And very
briefly, fields are various types of energy that exist at every point in space.
Imagine looking out over a field of grass or a crop field along the side of the
road. This large field is made up of individual blades of grass or of the crop
of plants. In QFT each individual blade of grass or crop plant would represent
a packet of energy. With respect to our universe, if you were to stick your
hand out in front of you every point in space that your hand goes through has
24 different fields of energy associated with it…. Feel any?
So, what does this have to do with closed minded science let’s
give some examples, starting with one of the most commonly known theories of our
universe, the Big Bang. According to the Big Bang model our universe popped
into existence and expanded outward resulting in the forces and matter that
were needed to form galaxies. All is good so far. But…… at the very beginning
of the universe popping into existence it experienced a phase that scientists
call the “inflationary period.” Let me explain this in the most straightforward
manner I can think of;
In an incredibility short period of time after the start of
the Big Bang this inflationary period started. To be clear, the short period of
time being referred too is so short that it is not really measurable, it is primarily
The inflationary period lasted an incredibly short period of
time. Again, this time span is mathematically accepted because it is so short.
During this incredibility short time span our universe
expanded at an unimaginable rate of acceleration and speed over a very large
unknown distance.
This by itself is hard to imagine as being real, but guess
what is theorized as being responsible for all of this; the “Inflaton” field
and/or particle. And it gets better, right after the inflationary period ended
the inflaton field and/or particle disappeared without a trace. So, a field and
a particle are simply present at the beginning to make everything work and then
disappear without a trace when its “job” is done. My opinion on this, scientists
are finding a cause, the “inflaton” for a theory that cannot be proven using
the physics they want to be true.
Another concept for our universe is Dark Matter and Dark
Energy. Dark Matter was first credited to Fritz Zwicky based on his study of
the Coma Cluster of Galaxies. However, the first theory of dark matter goes
back to 1922. The theory of dark matter was pretty much ignored for around 50
years. Dark Matter and Energy only became something to study because too much
was being observed in the universe that could not be explained. And now we have
String Theory, which is also all about particles and fields. Well, having
something like Dark Matter that cannot be fitted into String Theory is not
good. So, what is occurring, science is predicting exotic particles in order to
explain Dark Matter. Current science is saying that there is an undiscovered
particle in the universe that accounts for dark matter and science is now
working very hard to find this particle. There are a couple of different
particles that have floated to the top of the theory that are being looked for,
but so far no luck. Keep in mind, another particle, or two, means another energy
field at every point in space.
Since the particles to explain Dark Matter consistent with
the Standard Model cannot be found there are now some scientists saying that
the research and evidence for Dark Matter is flawed and it really does not
exist. If you do not find what you want, find away to get rid of the problem,
this is just bad science.
There is one more point to make regarding dark matter and a
new particle, Dark Matter is estimated to make up around 27% of the universe.
All of the billions and billions of stars and galaxies that we see in the
universe are estimated to make up 5% of the entire universe. The other 95% of
the universe is made up of 27% Dark Matter and 68% Dark Energy. This means that
the new theoretical particle has to be 5.5 times more abundant then all of the
current mass in the universe. Let me say it this way, this new particle is the
same as having 5.5 more universes squished into our current universe. Just
think about that from a logic and reality stand point.
There are other things showing the closed focus of today’s
physics and science. I will be covering some of these things in their own
Something that is important that I need to be clear about, I
am not saying that there is anything wrong with Quantum Physics, the Standard
Model or another physical concepts. What I am saying is that these things are
incomplete. There are way too many questions associated with today’s physics
and physical concepts that have no answers. Science needs to be working on
answering a lot of questions, which will undoubtedly lead to more questions,
before saying we are on our way to knowing all there is to know.
Our universe is a wondrous place; science should not try and
cut it short.
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